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Madry Jeans Limited are much more concern to the workforces. Considering this, we place all the order such partner factory who are doing best practice on social responsibilities, having nice facilities and secure construction, good work environments and the smile part is like who paid salary timely.
Madry Jeans Limited will not place any order or even start developments process if notify forced labor issues. No person may be employed by a factory if they haven’t offered to do so voluntarily or be forced to work under the threat of punishment or retaliation. ‘s factories must have such certifications like BSCI, SADEX, ISO, OK-TEX, ACCORD, WRAP, BCI etc. Side by side we must ask Environmental certificate if any factory belongs Printing and Laundry facilities in the same building.
- Health and Safety: Madry Jeans Limited are giving high preference about the Health and Safety issues. A safe and healthy workplace environment must be provided by the factory who should also prevent any potential health and safety incidents and work-related injury or illness from occurring.
- Working Hours: A factory must comply with applicable laws, collective bargaining agreements and industry standards on working hours, breaks and public holidays.
- Forced Labor: Madry Jeans Limited will not place any order or even start developments process if notify forced labor issues. No person may be employed by a factory if they haven’t offered to do so voluntarily or be forced to work under the threat of punishment or retaliation.
- Child Labor: Madry Jeans Limited will not place any order or even start developments process if find any child labor. No children younger than 18 years of age may be employed by a factory who are interested to work with us.
- Freedom of association and collective bargaining: All staff have the right to form, join and organize trade unions and to bargain collectively on their behalf.
- Discrimination: A factory is prohibited from engaging in discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement.
- Disciplinary practices: A factory is prohibited from engaging in or tolerating the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse of employees.
- Remuneration: The right of staff to a living wage must be respected by the factory.
- Management systems: Compliance must be reviewed and implemented to the Standard through developed policies and procedures.
As mentioned above, even though set compliance standards exist, garment factories around the world are still found in violation of social compliance and are charged on counts of unfair wages, extensive working hours, exceeding local over time limits, health and safety violations and more. These violations have led to many tragic occurrences which could easily have been prevented, such as the Bangladesh garment factory explosion which occurred earlier this year, killing 100 workers and injuring lots. Therefore, social compliance can’t be overlooked.
It is essential for garment factories to consider conducting a social compliance audit. A social compliance audit can be used as a measuring tool for determining a factory’s social compliance standards but is not a solution for ensuring that social compliance standards are met. Social compliance is difficult to achieve, but working with a textile management solution provider, minimizes the consequences of not meeting social compliance standards and helps to establish an improvement plan going forward.